

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago

Welcome to ArtCamp Wiki


August, 2007: ArtCamp07 is gearing up. Here is the wiki for this year's event, which is happening on Saturday, September 8th, 2007. Put your name down on the participants page to secure a spot. Space is limited! (Any problems, email me kate at newformsfestival dot com).

May 21, 2007: Just a little note to share some amazing news from a 2006 ArtCamper. Jonathan Tippett and his MondoSpider team will be appearing on the David Letterman show. People just can't resist a giant mechanical spider. We really hope Jonathan gets a chance to ride it around 42nd street in Manhattan. The footage shot at ArtCamp has been circulating widely on the internet and has even appeared on Japanese television. Go MondoSpider go!

October 4, 2006: Hey all - did anyone find Margot's big silver thermos, which she loves and misses very much? Email Margot: m at informationdistillery dot com if you know its wherabouts.

September 25: Now that the event is over, some parts of the wiki are shut down for the season. Other parts remain active, so get in there and participate if you have the inclination. I've changed the password. If you would the password, please email me and I will send you the new one. Thanks, Kate (kate at kate armstrong dot com)

September 25: I've put up a photoset at Flickr and have created a Flickr Group for ArtCamp check it out! - Kate

September 23: Thank you everybody who came out to ArtCamp. I thought it was a really exciting event and was pleased to share it with such a fascinating group of people. I am still going through the photographs and documentation but will be putting up some things shortly. In the meantime, some pix are up at Now Public, so take a look. If anyone has any pictures you can send them there so there is a central repository. (Thanks Josh for your great mechanical spider-after-dark images.) - Kate

Sept. 22: Thanks for attending yesterday! Here is a pdf: the art of the ILLUSTRATION COLLABORATION so many of you participated in. - JaleenGrove



ArtCamp, The World's First un-Conference on Art, is an event that will take place as a co-production between New Forms Festival and Upgrade! Vancouver on September 21, 2006. ArtCamp is taking the place of the New Forms Festival Conference this year.

ArtCamp aims to bring the open collaborative process of a wiki into physical space. It is a self-organizing event geared toward sharing practices and ideas on art, media, networks and culture. The idea is to create an event in which conference structures are overturned in favour of collective, self-organizational models. ArtCamp is an experiment in bringing these principles into action in the context of art discourse, production and practice.

ArtCamp takes in and builds on the concept of Bar Camps, a recent phenomenon exploding out of the technology community. Here are some links to more information about Bar Camps, the original predecessor of Bar Camps which is called Foo Camp, and an older tradition of unconference-like activity called Open Space Technology.

[Foo Camp (on wikipedia): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foo_Camp]

[Unconference (on wikipedia): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unconference]

[Bar Camp (on wikipedia) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BarCamp]

[Open Space Technology: http://www.openspaceworld.org/cgi/wiki.cgi?AboutOpenSpace]

One of the main concepts of this sort of event is “No Spectators, only Participants”.

But what kind of participation are we expecting at ArtCamp? Maybe you want to come and demonstrate a piece of art software you have written, a freeware you are using for something, or tell people about a trick you’ve discovered in Flash. Maybe you’ve built a mechanical spider the size of a Volkswagen. Maybe you want to demo PD, stage a conversation about photoconceptualism, tell us why you hate net art, show us how you used RSS in your New Forms Festival piece, tell us about your organization, show people how to build a radio, pull together a test audience for a performance, hold a live interview with Douglas Coupland, or summarize Kant’s “Critique of Judgement” into a 10 point bulleted list. Maybe you want to support the event by taking photographs, lending equipment, or making milkshakes. It’s up to you.

Sessions are 30 minutes or an hour. When you get there on the morning of the 21st, there will be a giant board showing the time slots. FIll out a slip of paper and stick it in a time slot. {See information about the Venue )Then spend the day attending sessions, meeting and greeting, and doing your thing. There will be food and a little party afterward. We really hope you’ll come.

ArtCamp is free and open to everyone but you must sign up on the Wiki. [Participants http://artcamp.pbwiki.com/Participants] Write a note about what you’ll be doing.

It’s all happening at the Great Northern Way Campus, 555 Great Northern Way, starting at 930 am on September 21, 2006.

*What: ArtCamp: The World's First un-Conference on Art

*Where: Vancouver, Canada

*When: September 21, 2006

*Who: You

*Why: Because Art is fun and we like sharing

Questions? Kate Armstrong kate@katearmstrong.com

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