

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 5 months ago


Image~Research Project


"old skool phunk" mixtapes then and now.


we want to facilitate the creation of an artcamp 'soundtrack'.

and here's the cover art!


This project should occur and evolve throughout the day. The plan is to create a mixtape (soundtrack?) for the artcamp experience. This will be a collaborative process and we will utilize any and every technology at our disposal to do so.


There is a prize !!! some lucky artcamper will be leaving with the actual cassette version of the mix, (including bonus tracks). We will also make the mp3s available (somehow) for all participants to burn discs on their own, take away on their ipods, etc.


It would be nice if we had some kind of online voting thing that people could promote their favorite songs, but we may use a 'low fidelity' tool to accomplish this.






We are asking all artcampers to add something to the mix! some things you could do are...


Music. Check out the OldskoolTracklist. Please add/send along songs you want to hear on the mix. (email mp3's to draggin@gmail.com)


Throw something on a flash drive and bring it over,


talk to one of us during the day, anyway you want to let us know what you want to hear.


last.fm users? you can use the tag, artcamp2006, to create the 'tagged' playlist


we are also going to need a cover for the tape, we should have some templates for that, but it may require someone gets down and dirty with a gluestick.




"the session"


Introductions and brief outline, in so far that there is one.


Update on the music collecting that has been going throughout the day, how many tracks we have, (discussion)


Some other things we may want to dicuss;


  • Media history(?) The last 50 yrs of recorded music. what has happend? there is a timeline over here. please edit and make any additions you feel are important.




  • Whats the coolest thing you have on cassette tape? why would you never throw it out?


  • Today's online environment: lastfm, webjay and other playlist tools, online economy of music, projectopus


  • How do you listen to/collect music today? mps library from hell? online radio? satellite radio? others?


  • Cassette culture today. A run through discussion boards, ebay activity, buying and trading. the gear etc.


  • The new anthropology, mining for audio gold. WFMU and sweet thunder. The durability of cassettes, these sucker will last for ever.


  • Maybe a special guest coming to talk about the new economy of music (?)author/audience



After all this has been exhausted we degrade to talking about the mixtape itself,


  • Should there be a theme for the mix?


  • Is there any artwork that has emerged we can adapt for the cover?




"things we will need to have"


power - many music making devices all requiring juice. (bring extra exrtension cords)


projector - lots of images and sites to show and discuss


office supplies, from gluesticks to scissors


tape cassette art templates (multiple copies printed out)




Useful links


Image by Bayshore - http://www.flickr.com/photos/bayshore/34156780/


The National playlist - http://www.cbc.ca/nationalplaylist/


Jason's cassette research - flickr, blog,  del.icio.us



Ipod vs. The Cassette -http://homepage.mac.com/danielturek/PhotoAlbum50.html


Media History Timeline


Pocket Calculator's Vintage Boombox and Ghetto Blaster Museum - http://pocketcalculatorshow.com/boombox/


Boombox and Ghettoblaster Discussion Board - http://www.stereo2go.com



last.fm - http://www.last.fm/

webjay - http://webjay.org/

projectopus - http://www.projectopus.com/


WFMU's The Audio Kitchen - http://wfmu.org/playlists/AK

sweet thunder - http://www.sweetthunder.org/tapes/index.html



cassette generator =http://www.says-it.com/cassette/index.php

white n nerdy - http://www.break.com/movies/weird_al_white_and_nerdy.html


German Cassette Underground 1979-1983 (mp3s) - http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2006/09/german_cassette.html


Voices from the Grave - Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) MP3s


William S. Burroughs clips (including cut-ups) - http://www.ubu.com/sound/burroughs.html


The Cut-Up Page


Thurston Moore, The Best 90 Minutes of my Life - "I also needed to hear these records in a more time-fluid way, and it hit me that I could make a mix tape of all the best songs."


Wikipedia entry on \"Mixtape\"


W(ith) programs: an online and cd mix distribution project in its 5th year


please add links, comments, flesh out ideas, change shit around, whatever you gotta do, directly to this document. peace

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